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(1 edit)

Yeah! Woo! This is the kind of logic puzzle I want! Uh, is Lodnon supposed to be that, not London?

Wish this had more tags so I didn't have to luck into this as hard. Maybe this is a good tag:

Hard Puzzle, tons of replayability!

Only wish the background would stop moving. And could crossout clues that we're done with.


I fixed the scrolling background and the London misspelling.  Thank you for your kind words.

(6 edits)

I see! Lucky that my latest Hard Puzzle had London in it!

Unfortunately, the pure black and white is causing a small amount of

And there was more contrast when grids were colored differently than the background, but I can adjust. Thanks for the update!

EDIT: Would be nice if the game checks for solutions like "if you've completed 4 of the right grids, you've completed the whole puzzle. Like if in Hard mode, you complete the top set of 4 grids, there's no new info to find.

EDIT 4: But it seems if I complete some bigger subset, it also fully completes. I can't quite tell / remember.

EDIT 2: A clue set in Hard 73336:

1. A may be Y or Z
2. A is not Z

can happen, which seems silly and should just be merged into "A is Y"?

EDIT 3: Same Puzzle as ^, might not want "Year of the Horse" and "horse as a pet" both as options.

(27 edits)

More thoughts in my previous comment responding to this comment, but looking at Hard puzzle 0866902, "firefighter" is misspelled, "firefigher".

EDIT: Wow, Hard 863327 has 16 clues! And 189716!

EDIT 2: Hard Puzzle 0 has too many words. Spills over into the buttons. 950088 too. 837369 is really bad about it.

EDIT 3: Hard Puzzles 2 and 5 only have 9 clues! huh!

Wow, Hard 062453.

8 clues: Hard 659189, 505512, 695359, 968445, 043026, 769076, 043741, 176693, 497446, 331082

Never seen a 7 clue-r...

Oh. 0. 00, and 000000. are all the same. There's hidden 0s.

EDIT 4: 15 clues but so long to hit the second line of buttons: 284376

EDIT 5: Oh, a nameless Hard 8 clue puzzle! Cool! 641472, 376749, 172915, 944971

EDIT 6: Darn, the randomization of new puzzles is cyclic, seemingly dependent on the abandoned number.

17 clues! 989966